Safety Statement - Obligation to bring to the attention of new employees
If that is the case this one must be a close second or at least in the top ten.
The obligation of employers to bring relevant sections of their safety statement to the attention of new employees, (Part 3, Section 20, Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005).
It can have major implications at a later stage if an accident happens.
Non adherence to this statutory obligation can also have implications in unfair dismissal cases. Possibly strengthening or advantaging an employees case.
For example; a constructive dismissal case because the employee felt they were being bullied. Bullying is a health and safety issue.
An employer does not need or want a picture being painted of them as one that does not care about Health and Safety in the workplace.
(This post is for information purposes only. For advice specific to your circumstances, Contact us).
Relevant Legislation
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the Pregnancy Regulations 2007 require that a Risk Assessment be done as part of the Safety Statement. This is a requirement in all work places.