Learning and keeping to date

What if you want to learn about employment law or keep up to date with it ?

Lots of ways exist. You can of course go to college or study online, become a HR professional or a solicitor.

Lots of resources are available. To name but a few, Google, LinkedIn, Youtube, newspapers, various websites, the list goes on.

If you are looking for something specific and structured though. Something you can keep and refer back to for reference. Basically a good book. Where do you find it ?

The usual well known booksellers will of course have some law books. They tend to be a bit basic though. Which is grand if you are just starting. Cost, maybe 20 to 30 euros.

If you are looking for more advanced though, a good source that you may be interested in, is legalboo.ks.ie

They have a physical shop. It is inside a  courtyard though and is only open when the courts are open. It is not hugely easily accessible. It is much easier to buy off them online. 

Now these books are not 20 to 30 euros. They are much more than that. See them as an investment. If you want quality you pay for it 'kind of thing'.

You can resell the book if you decide to finish with it. Or may be able to borrow a copy through your local library. Meaning you would not have to pay anything for it.