Cleaner awarded 10,000 for sexual harassment.

It could be just as easily placed in a romantic novel.
A manager wants to go out with a man. He spurns her advances, so she punishes him in the workplace.
It may seem unusual for a man to claim sexual harassment by a female. Both male and female can claim for it.
It is interesting to note that his case was not proved outright, but he still won. The adjudicator 'preferred his evidence'.
This is not uncommon. WRC cases are civil, the burden of proof then being the 'balance of probabilities'. You can read the full article here.
Sexual Harassment is broadly defined by Section 14A of the Employment Equality Act, 1998.
The Employment Equality Act 1998 sets out a Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment at work. This code of practice is issued as a guideline for employers and employees. The provisions of this code are admissible in evidence in proceedings in the WRC.